2018, Slang in Tetun Dili. Download
conference paper.
2020, Jiria: Ne'e U! Download.
2017, Metáfora Tetun leno ita nia moris [Tetun metaphors we live by]. Download.
Williams-van Klinken, Catharina, & John Hajek2018, Mixing numeral systems in
Timor-Leste. Download.
2016, Tetu-gés: Influénsia Portugés ba estrutura Tetun [Tetu-guese: The influence of Portuguese on the structure of Tetun]. Download.
Williams-van Klinken, Catharina, Robert Williams & Helio Brites da Silva2016, Tetun Dili laos Dili nian ona: Tetun nudar lian inan tuir dadus sensus nian [Tetun Dili no longer belongs to Dili: Tetun as mother tongue according to census data]. Download.
Godinho, Margarida Maria dos Santos2014, "Environmentu kapaas!?": Surgimento de falsos amigos em tétum com ar a Português [“Environmentu kapaas!?”: The rise of false friends in Tetun with a Portuguese flavour]. Download.
Ximenes, Abreu, & Catharina Williams-van Klinken2014, Futun ida, satu dolar: Kahur sistema numeru iha lingua Tetun [One bunch, one dollar: Mixing numeral systems in Tetun]. Download.
Williams-van Klinken, Catharina, & Olinda Lucas2014, Konta istoria mos uza regra! Oinsaa mak hatudu ba partisipante ho lian Tetun [Telling stories also uses rules! How to refer to participants in Tetun]. Download.
Williams-van Klinken, Catharina and John Hajek, 2006Patterns of address in Dili Tetum, East Timor. Download
Williams-van Klinken, Catharina2004-2006, Mai ita koalia Tetun [Let’s speak Tetun]. Column on front page of newspaper Suara Timor Lorosa’e (total 143 articles, 1/6/04 – 25/5/06) Download.
2002, High registers of Tetun Dili: Portuguese press and purist priests. Download
2007, Spelling options in Tetun Dili: Awareness of 'rr' and glottal stop amongst tertiary students. Download.
2018, Aspek imperfektif dalam bahasa Tetun Dili. Download.
Williams-van Klinken, Catharina & Olinda Lucas2018, Relative clauses in Tetun Dili: New contact-induced uses for old constructions. Download.
Williams-van Klinken, Catharina2011, Learning
Tetun as a malae.
2010, Two Tetuns: Language change
before your very eyes. Download.
2009, Haburas no habelar
vokabulariu Tetun. Download.
2007, Is he hot-blooded
or hot
inside? Expression
emotion and character in Tetun Dili. Download.
2003, Dezenvolve língua Tetun. Download.
2002, Developing Tetun for an independent East Timor. (Report on developing an electoral glossary.) Download.
2020, Professorial address on register in Tetun. Tetun text, Oratio Sapientia (as recorded by STL News), English translation.
2017, How a small local language took
over a country. (A talk exploring how Tetun Dili rose to
become the major lingua franca of the eastern half of the island of
Timor.) TEDx Dili. Download.
2017, Subject marking on Galolen verbs in Laleia, Manatuto municipality. Download.
dos Santos, Francisca Cecilia X.2018, Does he have sharp eyes or sharp lungs? Expressions of emotion and character in Makasae. Download.
Williams-van Klinken, Catharina2003, Metaphors we judge by: Mediation in Wehali. Download.
2003, Metáfora justisa nian: mediasaun iha Wehali. Download.
2002, The Fehan dialect of Tetun Terik. Download.
Mapping the mother tongue in Timor-Leste: Who spoke what where in 2010? Download.
Tradusaun ba lian Tetun. Download.
Why learn English? A case study of student motivation at Dili Institute of Technology (DIT). Download.
da Conceição, Adelina & Umbelina Cardoso, 2017The effectiveness of using English as a medium of instruction in teaching computer science students at Dili Institute of Technology. Download.
Tuzine, António, 2017Comunicação e ensino de português, língua não-materna: Que desafios para Moçambique e Timor Leste? Download.
Ribeiro, Leoneto da Silva, & Akoyt, Melky Fridus Ladis Costa, 2016Koitadu! Nusaa mak hau la liu fali ezame? [Oh dear! Why didn't I pass the exam?] Download.
A “timorização” dos apelidos portugueses [The 'Timori-isaton' of Portuguese surnames]. Download.
Williams-van Klinken, Catharina & Rob Williams. 2016Mountain, reef and farm: Adventure travel in Timor-Leste. Download.
Williams, Catharina, 2000Experiences of a district electoral officer in Suai. Download