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Vacancy for English lecturers

The recently established ‘English Teaching and Translation’ department is seeking two full-time lecturers to join its existing team, with more to be employed in February 2025. The degree focuses on English language proficiency, English teaching skills, and English/Tetun translation. Lecturers must have a relevant master's level qualification and teaching experience. For more information, click here.

DIT Centre for Language Studies' mission

DIT language staff 2024

  • Teach, research and provide training in the languages needed for higher education in Timor-Leste.
  • Enable people from diverse cultures to be able to listen to and understand each other.
  • Teach Tetun at all levels to the international community.
  • Seek to help to develop Tetun, especially as a language of education and work
  • Study and help develop the national languages.

New Testament translation in everyday TetunGoogle Playstore

Logo Biblia ba Ema HotuTestamentu Foun ba Ema Hotu was launched as an app in October 2021,
and is available as an app from Google Playstore.
It can also be downloaded as EPUB, PDF or HTML from here.

For more information look up "Biblia ba Ema Hotu" on Facebook.

Teacher and studentResources

Our publications include Tetun language learning materials, manuals to teach Tetun writing and academic skills to university students, and dictionaries and technical glossaries. You can also download many of our articles and conference presentations, mainly on Tetun, but also on other languages in Timor, on language teaching, and on other aspects of Timor. For details, click here.